Personal Web Site of Greg Swartz
Noland Family
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On this page are the Nolands that were the earliest settlers in what is now the United States. The first settler in the Noland line was Pierce Noland, son of Pierce Nowland who is on the far right side of the tree on this page. Pierce Nowland never came to the "new world".

This tree differs from the other trees in the genealogy section in that on the far left of the tree three brothers are listed. There were other siblings, but these three are shown because all appear on the tree of later Nolands. Due to the marriage of James Morgan Pitcher and Angeline Noland and then later the marriage of their daughter, Thetis Clark Pitcher to Aaron M. Noland, James, Ledstone and Jesse Noland are all in my ancestry. To go back to the later Nolands, click here.

I really do not have much information about most of these individuals, but click on their name for what I do have. For the best stories, go to the stories about Pierce Noland and James Smallwood, both the earliest settlers in their families.